Simple Ways To Get More Traffic – Blogging 101


Hi and welcome to my blog! I want to thank everyone who has visited my blog because without their visits, I would have little to no reason to write more posts. I started this blog recently and less than three and half months ago to be precise. What has surprised me most is the number of visitors and as you can see above, 6,500 hits is not a small number unless you are Lady Gaga or some really dedicated blogger (for income) or you have been in the game for a long time. Anyway, if you are an aspiring blogger or a blogger who wants to improve traffic to his/her blog, here are a few tips I would love to share!

  1. Before you start blogging, plan. Make sure that you truly have something to write about. I have learned that people rarely read nonsense, and I don’t! So, although I do not blog about a single area, I suggest you find something that you are good at and perfect it. It is like starting a business, you must find a gap before investing your time and money. Are you a photographer? Are you a programmer? Are you a farmer? Are you a politician? Answer this question!
  2. The second tip am going to share is grammar! I often run into posts littered with broken English – by this I mean poor grammar. To avoid embarrassing yourself, read through your writings several times to ensure that you have it in the right form. This is a big challenge especially if English is not your native language and most of your readers are English speakers. Trust me, not all of them are forgiving. So, make sure that you have your words right before clicking the publish button.
  3. Thirdly, be consistent with your postings. If you choose to post every two days, stick to that schedule. If you prefer once a month (not what I would do), then stick to it – especially if it takes that long to come up with the post. Who knows, maybe you have to do a month-long research before posting the conclusions. So, make sure that you are up to date with your posts. If you take too long, your readers will be gone by the time you return from exile. Next.
  4. Now, assuming you have all the above settled, what next? Ever heard of the saying ‘Do unto others what you would like them to do unto you?’ It should be common sense. If you do not read other people’s posts and comment on them, why should people read and comment on yours? There is definitely no good in being selfish. So, go forth unto the universe, look around for related content and comment on them, like them and follow them. It is very likely that if you leave a comment (and a link), someone else will come looking for you and do the same thing. One step at a time…remember?
  5. Since you cannot rely on commenting on other people’s posts to gain enough traffic (how much is enough anyway?), social networks are here to the rescue. If you really feel that you have something to share with the world, where else would you find them if not on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit, Tumblr and hundreds other social networks? If you have a Twitter account, build a following and share what you have. On Facebook, Google+, Reddit and the rest, let it be known that you are present. So many people wouldn’t mind reading great posts (and not just reading but sharing too).

Hold on a second. I could continue writing but at the end of the day, you know what your goal is. We all have different ideas and so, different areas of expertise. Is it hard to create awesome blog posts? Heck yeah! Nothing happens overnight. It is just like being a published author as I have come to realize. Every genuine concept takes a good amount of time before it becomes real. The best thing you can do today is keep nurturing it. Do not spoil it, do not starve it. Good luck is my word to you. If you have a blog already, share a link below this post. I will check it out …..remember tip number 4 above? Great!

Thanks again to all my readers. Every time I look at the numbers, I feel happy. Not because I am the best blogger but because those visitors always remind me to strive to be one! I will never let you down. For now however, I will call it a night. See you soon friends! You can read my book My Life Sentences – A True Story which is currently available for Kindle. See you soon! Till we meet again, stay safe!!